Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Frugality Comes With Rewards

In the midst of our relocating to Nashville I wanted to save a few extra dollars by buying used blankets instead of renting them from a traditional moving company. So on my journey of saving dollars, I ended up at the local thrift store on a mission to buy a large amount of blankets. My idea was to purchase them, use them for the move and then donate them on the other end. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, not only was I successful in my search for bags of blankets, but while I was there I decided to look around. In doing so, I found the score of a lifetime. Really, sit down you might not be able to believe this. Are you sitting? Okay, I found a like new if not new, black Dooney & Bourke bag. I am serious!!! Yes, not a knock off, but the real deal. Even better yet, it was priced at $7.00 and that day all the clothing and purses were 50% off. So I walked out the door with a $3.50 purse and bags of blankets. Amazing!!! Not only was I saving money, but I also came home with a little something special for me.

Be a good steward with what you've been allotted and you never know what blessing or bargain might come your way.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

His Faithfulness Shines On

I know it sounds silly, even redundant, however lately the Lord has been so incredibly faithful to me. Don't get me wrong, He is faithful all the time; but His faithfulness has shown so bright in my circumstances that I nearly needed sunglasses the beauty of it was so strong. It's the little things really. The little things like meeting new friends, being in a place you know God wants you and simply having my needs met. He has shown Himself incredibly faithful in all of the little things that it just makes my heart swell with gratitude. He sees me and my every need as much as He sees you and your needs. What is it that is at the top of your need list? Is it finances, a friendship, a kind word? Or maybe something more significant than each of these. Whatever it is, be reminded that He is faithful, always has been, and always will be. He wants nothing more than to bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye with the brightness of His faithfulness. In your waiting, keep your eyes fixed on Him and your thoughts towards Him. You will be sure to see His faithfulness shine on you.

Psalm 57:10 For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Unexpected Smiles

My life has been crazy and hectic over the last month, I have to reflect on the great things that have happened. The Lord has done amazing things and answered prayer in so many ways and simply has made me smile on more than one ocassion. I have taken a new job, relocated to a new state, packed and unpacked an entire household, registered kids for school, shopped for Christmas presents, sent Christmas cards, forwarded mail, changed my address with everyone known to man, taken kids to the dentist, and so much more all within a one month period. Yep, I'm not kidding. When life gets so crazy you feel like you're spinning, there's always a peace and stillness that can be found in Christ. When life comes with big changes, we can find His rest amidst the winds of change. Despite all of this upheaval I still am smiling at the many answered prayers, the excitement in my family's eyes, the adventure of new surroundings and the anticipation of what God has in store in this new chapter of my family's life. Whatever you face, whether it's big changes like mine or smaller changes, you can find God's peace in the center of His will. Hold fast to His promises and pray always. You too will have a rest in the midst of chaos; I promise.

LORD, you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you. Isaiah 26:12

Friday, December 2, 2011

Listening to the Breeze

Have you ever just sat and listened to the wind, it's smooth, subtle and rythmic style? You can't hear it unless you purpose to, unless you're still enough and focused on it. The same is true with us. We are not able to hear the Lord's still small voice unless we are still enough and focused on Him. His voice is always speaking just like the wind is always blowing, but unless we are still and listening it will just pass us by. Hearing Him speak is breath to our lungs, without it we won't know what direction to take or which way to go. Hearing Him through reading His word or in a still small voice, it is the sustenance we need for life. If we get too busy with our daily routines and agendas we will miss it. Just as we need water we need His leading. As you enjoy this busy season with your family and whatever this month holds for you, be sure to take time to sit and listen (really this is a reminder for myself). That breeze might be exactly what you need to make your next big decision.

John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Building Thankful Memories

Today my girls and I are preparing to serve a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner for our family. As a mom, I love including my girls in the beauty of serving others and using their gifts and abilities to do so. Yesterday, one of them made a pumpkin pie and the other made an amazing cookie dessert. Today as we set the table, one of them created beautiful place cards and the other crafted origami turkeys as I prepared the turkey and stuffing. This day will forever be stamped into their memories, getting to help mom make something beautiful. Take advantage of willing hearts and hands and train up your young ladies to be lovers of their family by allowing them to serve along side you. You won't regret it.

I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with Thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ship Me A Bargain

I don't know about you, but lately I've been bombarded with oodles of store promotions. Each day I receive endless offers of "free shipping" or percentages off at my favorite retailers; really all of them are quite enticing. This luring stream of discounts has caused me to take advantage of my budgeted resources. For those of you who don't know me, I've been the annual Black Friday shopper; however with these great bargains I may be passing it up this year. I've found that most of these great deals are more time saving, more cost effective and save me from standing in line for hours. I'll raise my hand in victory as a winner not only of time but of money. Yes it sounds a bit crazy, but I am so excited about saving two valuable commodities I had to share it with you. Check out your favorite stores or vendors and get their email promos coming to you. You'll be a winner too!